Multilingual Websites
No-code web design agency for your multilingual website
As a leading web design agency for multilingual websites, we understand the importance of having a website that is available in multiple languages to expand your target audience. With us, you can open up international markets and strengthen your global presence. With our experienced team of web designers and developers for WordPress, WooCommerce and Webflow, we are your reliable partner for creating a multilingual website that effectively communicates your message and supports your business goals.
Warum die Mehrsprachigkeit für Ihre Website wichtig ist.
Die Mehrsprachigkeit Ihrer Website bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Ihr Unternehmen. Sie erreichen mit einer Multilingual Website ein breiteres Publikum. Indem Sie Ihre Website in mehreren Sprachen anbieten, können Sie potenzielle Kunden auf der ganzen Welt ansprechen und neue Märkte erschließen.
Bessere Benutzererfahrung: Eine mehrsprachige Website ermöglicht es Ihren internationalen Besuchern, Ihre Inhalte in ihrer bevorzugten Sprache zu lesen, was zu einer verbesserten Benutzererfahrung führt und das Engagement erhöht.
Stärkung Ihrer Marke: Eine mehrsprachige Website zeigt Ihr Engagement für Internationalität und Vielfalt, was das Vertrauen in Ihre Marke stärkt und Ihnen dabei hilft, sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben.
WordPress Multilingual
Für die Einrichtung der Mehrsprachigkeit einer WordPress-Website stehen verschiedene Instrumente und Plugins zur Verfügung. Hier sind einige der beliebtesten Optionen:
WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin): WPML ist eines der bekanntesten und leistungsfähigsten Plugins zur Mehrsprachigkeitsverwaltung in WordPress. Es ermöglicht die einfache Übersetzung von Inhalten, Menüs, Widgets und anderen Elementen der Website. Außerdem bietet es Funktionen wie automatische Übersetzung, SEO-Optimierung und mehrsprachige Sitemap-Generierung.
Polylang: Polylang ist ein kostenloses Plugin, das eine einfache Möglichkeit bietet, mehrsprachige Websites in WordPress zu erstellen. Es ermöglicht die Erstellung von Inhalten in verschiedenen Sprachen, die Verwaltung von mehrsprachigen Menüs und das Umschalten zwischen Sprachen mit Hilfe von Sprachschaltern.
qTranslate X: qTranslate X ist ein weiteres beliebtes Plugin zur Mehrsprachigkeitsverwaltung in WordPress. Es bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche für die Übersetzung von Inhalten und die Verwaltung mehrerer Sprachen auf der Website. Das Plugin unterstützt auch SEO-Optimierung und bietet Unterstützung für benutzerdefinierte Post-Typen und Taxonomien.
MultilingualPress: MultilingualPress ist eine erweiterte Lösung zur Erstellung von mehrsprachigen Websites in WordPress, die auf dem Konzept von Multisite basiert. Mit diesem Plugin können separate Websites für jede Sprache erstellt und miteinander verknüpft werden, um eine nahtlose mehrsprachige Erfahrung zu ermöglichen.
Weglot: Weglot ist ein cloudbasiertes Übersetzungs-Plugin für WordPress, das automatische Übersetzungen in über 100 Sprachen bietet. Es ermöglicht die schnelle Einrichtung mehrsprachiger Websites und bietet Funktionen wie maschinelle Übersetzung, manuelle Bearbeitung von Übersetzungen und SEO-Optimierung.
Diese Instrumente bieten eine Vielzahl von Funktionen und Optionen zur Einrichtung und Verwaltung einer mehrsprachigen WordPress-Website, so dass Sie dasjenige auswählen können, das am besten zu Ihren Anforderungen und Präferenzen passt. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl und der Entscheidung der besten Option, die zu Ihrer Website und zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt.
WooCommerce Multilingual
Für die Einrichtung der Mehrsprachigkeit einer WooCommerce-Website stehen ähnliche Instrumente und Plugins wie für WordPress zur Verfügung, jedoch gibt es auch spezialisierte Lösungen, die speziell für WooCommerce entwickelt wurden. Hier sind einige beliebte Optionen:
WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin) mit WooCommerce-Integration: WPML bietet eine nahtlose Integration mit WooCommerce und ermöglicht die einfache Verwaltung mehrsprachiger Produktseiten, Produktbeschreibungen, Warenkörbe und Checkout-Seiten. Es bietet auch Funktionen wie automatische Übersetzung, SEO-Optimierung und mehr.
Weglot für WooCommerce: Weglot bietet eine spezialisierte Lösung für die Übersetzung von WooCommerce-Websites. Es ermöglicht die automatische Übersetzung von Produktseiten, Kategorien, Tags und anderen WooCommerce-spezifischen Inhalten in mehr als 100 Sprachen. Weglot bietet auch Funktionen wie maschinelle Übersetzung, manuelle Bearbeitung von Übersetzungen und SEO-Optimierung.
Polylang Pro mit WooCommerce-Integration: Polylang Pro bietet eine Erweiterung für WooCommerce, die die Mehrsprachigkeitsverwaltung für Produktseiten, Kategorien, Tags und andere WooCommerce-spezifische Inhalte ermöglicht. Es bietet auch Funktionen wie automatische Spracherkennung, mehrsprachige Produktvarianten und mehr.
MultilingualPress mit WooCommerce-Integration: MultilingualPress bietet eine erweiterte Lösung für mehrsprachige WooCommerce-Websites, die auf dem Konzept von Multisite basiert. Mit diesem Plugin können separate Websites für jede Sprache erstellt und miteinander verknüpft werden, um eine nahtlose mehrsprachige Erfahrung zu ermöglichen.
TranslatePress mit WooCommerce-Integration: TranslatePress ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Übersetzungs-Plugin für WooCommerce, das eine visuelle Bearbeitungsoberfläche bietet, um Inhalte direkt auf der Website zu übersetzen. Es unterstützt auch mehrsprachige SEO und bietet Funktionen wie automatische Übersetzung und manuelle Bearbeitung von Übersetzungen.
Diese Instrumente bieten eine Vielzahl von Funktionen und Optionen zur Einrichtung und Verwaltung einer mehrsprachigen WooCommerce-Website, so dass Sie dasjenige auswählen können, das am besten zu Ihren Anforderungen und Präferenzen passt. Sie erhalten von uns als Experten für Multilingualität professionelle Tipps und Empfehlungen für die optimale Lösung.
Webflow Multilingual (Localization)
Für die Einrichtung der Mehrsprachigkeit einer Webflow-Website gibt es verschiedene Instrumente und Lösungen, die Ihnen helfen können, mehrsprachige Inhalte zu erstellen und zu verwalten. Hier sind einige Optionen:
Webflow Localization: Webflow-Localization ist der Prozess, bei dem Inhalte einer Webflow-Website so angepasst werden, dass sie in verschiedenen Sprachen und für verschiedene geografische Regionen geeignet sind. Dies beinhaltet die Übersetzung von Texten, die Anpassung von Bildern und Grafiken sowie die Berücksichtigung kultureller Unterschiede und sprachlicher Nuancen. Mit Webflow-Localization können Website-Betreiber ihre Inhalte gezielt auf verschiedene Zielgruppen ausrichten und so eine bessere Benutzererfahrung und höhere Konversionsraten erzielen.
Ecommerce CMS: Wenn Sie eine E-Commerce-Website auf Webflow betreiben, können Sie das Ecommerce CMS verwenden, um Produktbeschreibungen, Kategorien und andere Inhalte in mehreren Sprachen zu verwalten. Sie können separate Produktseiten für jede Sprache erstellen und mit Hilfe von CMS-Filtern die entsprechenden Inhalte anzeigen.
Custom Code: Mit Webflow können Sie auch benutzerdefinierten Code verwenden, um mehrsprachige Funktionen zu implementieren. Sie können JavaScript verwenden, um Sprachwechsler hinzuzufügen und Inhalte dynamisch basierend auf der ausgewählten Sprache zu laden.
Weglot: Sie können Weglot verwenden, um automatische Übersetzungen für Ihre Webflow-Website hinzuzufügen, oder Lokalisierungstools wie Localize.js oder Lingui verwenden, um Inhalte in verschiedenen Sprachen zu verwalten.
Export und Import: Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, separate Versionen Ihrer Website in verschiedenen Sprachen zu erstellen und sie dann getrennt zu exportieren und zu hosten. Sie können dann die entsprechenden URLs für jede Sprachversion konfigurieren und auf Ihrer Hauptwebsite verlinken.
Diese Instrumente bieten verschiedene Ansätze zur Einrichtung der Mehrsprachigkeit für Ihre Webflow-Website, so dass Sie diejenige auswählen können, die am besten zu Ihren Anforderungen und Präferenzen passt. Wir helfen Ihnen als Webflow Experten bei der Auswahl der richtigen Multilingual-Lösung für Ihre Webflow Website.
Multilingual Websites
Our solutions for Multilingual Websites
Our no-code web design agency offers you tailor-made solutions for creating and optimizing multilingual websites. We are experts in WordPress Multilingual, WooCommerce Multilingual and Webflow Multilingual. We provide you with professional advice so that your website is optimally set up for multilingualism. It doesn't matter whether you commission a new website from us or have an existing website and want to design it in multiple languages.
Mehrsprachiges Content-Management-System (CMS)
We implement a multilingual content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily and efficiently manage and update content in multiple languages. Multiple languages on WordPress websites can be integrated through plugins such as WPML, PolyLang, or MultilingualPress. MultilingualPress, for example, offers support for over 800 languages. Installing language plug-ins usually requires special technical know-how and configuration experience. We are specialists in WPML and PolyLang as well as MultilingualPress and will help you set it up.
Lokalisierung von Inhalten
We tailor your content to the cultural and linguistic nuances of target countries to ensure that your message is locally relevant and appealing. Translated texts must be adapted to the language or country-specific characteristics of the respective target group. In this process, known as localization, several points should be considered, such as the existence of language-specific differences, different expressions with the same meaning. Country-specific characteristics such as different measurement units, currencies, time or date information or legal contexts should also be taken into account.
Automatic location recognition can automatically assign visitors the primary language. In addition, they can select their preferred language using a language menu. It is important to note that someone who is in Spain, for example, is not necessarily fluent in Spanish. A language switcher allows users to change the default language without changing the region if they just want to change the language. The language menu should be easily accessible, ideally at the top right of the homepage as well as on every other page on the website. It is advisable to specify the various language options in their original language. The use of flags is not recommended as they represent countries and not languages. In addition, a country can have more than one official language, and there are languages that are spoken in more than one country.
SEO-Optimierung für mehrere Sprachen
We optimize your multilingual website for search engines in different languages to ensure that you are visible in the search results of your target markets and maximize your organic reach. In order to achieve good rankings in search results, various aspects must be considered when optimizing search engines for multilingual websites. High-quality translations are crucial. Poorly translated pages are considered spam by Google and rated poorly accordingly. Keywords for additional languages must be researched individually and locally. Direct translations of keywords from the home language are not necessarily successful in the target country. File names should be written in the respective language of the website. Alt texts and image captions must be written in the appropriate language. Translations should be offered for all videos and multimedia content on the website, whether through subtitles, voice-over or dubbing. The site map should include all languages and contact forms must be available in multiple languages. Duplicate content must be avoided. For each language version of a page, you should use different URLs that include a language indicator. For example, the original site and the German version The language of the page should not be adjusted via cookies or browser settings. Using “hreflang” attributes in tags, headers, or sitemaps to tell the search engine which language the content is intended for.
Professional translation service
Our experienced translators translate your website content precisely and accurately into the desired target languages to ensure that your message remains clear and understandable.
Responsive Design für alle Geräte
We're developing a multilingual website with a responsive design that automatically adapts to your visitors' screen size and devices to ensure an optimal user experience across all devices.
The design of a multilingual website should use colors that are culturally appropriate and tailored to the respective target group. This also applies to the selection of images and icons. By understanding cultural differences, design decisions can be made that are positively received by the target group.
With different designs, not only the content but also the layout can be adapted to the respective target group.
Länderspezifische Domains
The use of country-specific domains is a suitable domain strategy to open up foreign markets. They are particularly suitable for large companies that have the resources needed to build, maintain, and optimize standalone websites for each country. In some cases, the use of a country-specific domain may be mandatory for legal reasons.
Before translating content, it's a good idea to create a content plan with priorities. Since the needs of different target groups in other languages can differ significantly (for example with regard to salutation, degree of formality or text type conventions), the following considerations should be included in the planning:
- Should all content be translated or just certain parts of it?
- Are all topics on the existing pages relevant to the new target group?
- Are there any undiscovered topics that might be of interest to new audiences?
- Are there country-specific characteristics or cultural differences that should be considered when creating the content?
No-code web design agency experts for Websites and Multilingual
Multilingual Experts
Multilingual SEO
Multilingual CMS
Multilingual Websites
Ready to create a multilingual website and expand your business to international markets? Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a free consultation. We look forward to working with you and helping you build a multilingual website that will strengthen your global presence and move your business forward!
What our customers say
Professor Heinz-Herbert Fiebig
The no-code agency perfectly implemented the relaunch of our website. The collaboration is very professional and the team doesn't just work things out, it also gives us new ideas. We are looking forward to many more years of good cooperation.
customer opinion
Choosing the no-code agency to redesign and relaunch our website was an excellent decision. Our website is now an excellent reflection of our brand. The team's professionalism and commitment were exemplary. They have not only worked through the process, but also provided valuable advice and advice. We have received positive feedback about our new website from all of our professional customers. Thank you so much!
Relaunch of the website for 4HF Biotec GmbH:
- CMS: WordPress
- Responsive design
- GeneratePress Pro template
- Domain and server transfer
- SSL support
- Blog system integrated
- Slider integration
- Mailchimp integration
Support package for the website:
- Page speed optimization
- SEO — search engine optimization
- Backup — automatic backups
Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Schüssler
Owner + CEO @Schwepper GmbH
A great team that has helped us take our company to the next level with professional expertise.
customer opinion
We have been working with the No-Code LLC agency for several years now and over that time, our website has changed remarkably positively. We have a variety of products in our WooCommerce shop and there was and are ongoing modifications, bug fixes and code changes that the agency has always implemented solidly. We will certainly be working with the web design agency No-Code LLC for many more years and are already saying many, many thanks for the commitment and the good cooperation!
Specifications of agency services:
- wordpress
- WooCommerce Store
- Responsive design
- SSL support
- Blog system integrated
- CMS page,
- Brand identy
- Extensive product filters
- Search features
- UI/UX design
Support package for the website:
- Page speed optimization
- SEO - search engine optimization
- Maintenance package with BloVault backups
- programming support
Manuel Vinke
Director @Bickel & Company
Thanks to the flexibility of the Webflow platform, we are able to constantly develop our website.
customer opinion
Choosing web design agency No-Code LLC to redesign our website and SEO was the best decision we've ever made. The change was remarkable. Our website is now a perfect reflection of our brand and our search engine rankings have skyrocketed. The team's professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment were present throughout the project. They have not only kept their promises but have also provided valuable advice and advice. We've seen a significant increase in customer loyalty and revenue. Thank you very much!
Site specifications:
- Webflow relaunch
- Responsive web design
- SSL support
- CMS Page
- UI/UX design
Support package for the website:
- Page speed optimization
- SEO - search engine optimization
- Maintenance package with BloVault backups
- programming support
Melinda Locker
CEO @Purethan AG
No-Code has created complex applications for us on our new website. As a result, we now have more room for creative ideas and innovations.
customer opinion
Working with the No-Code Agency has fundamentally changed our company. Her team's expertise in digital marketing and web design has not only improved our online presence, but also significantly increased our leads and sales. The personal support and tailor-made strategies were exactly what we needed. We're seeing results we never thought possible, and we couldn't be happier with our decision to work with them. Highly recommended!
Specifications of agency services:
- wordpress
- WooCommerce
- Responsive design
- SSL support
- Blog system integrated
- CMS Page
- UI/UX design
Support package for the website:
- Page speed optimization
- SEO - search engine optimization
- maintenance package
web design agency blog
Web Design FAQs
Here we answer questions that are frequently asked by our customers to our web design agency. If you have any further questions, just get in touch with us.
What is your primary field of work?
Our focus is on the development of brand strategies and designs, as well as the conception and implementation of first-class marketing sites for start-ups, SMEs, corporations and organizations. We develop and program modern websites and online shops for a functioning e-commerce. Our projects aim to attract your ideal customers or users through targeted texts, outstanding design work and excellent user experiences.
Do you design and develop websites?
Yes, our talented visual web designers are truly impressive! We are excited to develop and implement projects that go beyond the ordinary. We always follow best practices to ensure accessibility, first-class user experiences, and optimal conversion rates.
Which customer groups do you work with?
Our target group consists of start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), enterprise companies (corporations) and organizations. We are active both in the B2B sector and in the B2C sector. We have already worked successfully with teams from the fields of fintech, healthcare, climate protection, education, art, trade, retail, crafts, construction, architecture, manufacturing, tourism, leisure industry and consulting.
What does your development process look like?
Every project is unique, but most customer projects develop according to this scheme:
- Introduction & briefing
- Branding & Design
- Development, testing & live broadcasting
- Support and support upon completion
How much time do you need for a new project?
Small projects: 1 to 4 weeks — with around 1 - 10 pages and text and design.Larger projects: 6 to 12 weeks — with 10 - 50 pages including text creation and design, complex CMS development as well as customer-specific solutions and integrations
What are your prices for new projects?
Most of our projects are offered on a fixed price and generally start at €5,000 for smaller projects and €10,000 to €20,000 for larger projects. However, we also work on a fee basis for ongoing services and support. Let us have a non-binding conversation in which we will be happy to answer any further questions: inquiry
Where is your company located?
Although our headquarters are in Sheridan, WY, our team members are globally distributed and mostly work remotely. We have employees in North America and Europe. We are flexible and adapt to your time zone to provide you with the best service possible. Our customers and partners are mainly located in Europe.
How often should I update my website?
You should update your website regularly to ensure that it is always up to date and provides relevant information to your customers. This could mean updating your content or adding new features. Our agency can help you update your website and give you tips on how to make your website more attractive to your customers.
Do I have to have a new website built from scratch, or can I update my old site?
It depends on the current website. If your website is out of date and no longer meets current standards, it may make sense to build your website from scratch. However, if your website is still working well and just needs a few updates, it may be enough to upgrade your old website and do a limited relaunch.
What does your agency's design process look like?
The design process starts with creating a concept and a draft. As soon as you're happy with the design, the development of the website starts. Our web design agency will regularly present you with updates and drafts so you can ensure that the website meets your needs.
Why should I hire your web design agency?
As a web design agency and digital agency, we can help you create a professional and easy-to-use website that supports your business goals. We have experts in web design, web development and online marketing who will present you with optimal results when creating your website. You save time and resources by outsourcing the work to our agency.